By 1:00AM, beam seas began rocking the ship from side to side and it became apparent that the Lindblad Expeditions/National Geographic Explorer vessel had entered the Drake Passage (See Image: Expedition Route). The ship continued to rock and roll across the passage for the remainder of the night and the following day and many passengers kept a low profile as they struggled to find their sea legs. I was feeling quite stable and became thankful for the 2-week “training session” I completed this summer during my Teacher at Sea experience (See SUMMER 2014 Adventure aboard the R/V Melville). Our travel day provided us with several options, including photography and birding classes. An oceanography class, designed specifically for the middle and high school students aboard the vessel, was also provided and one of the naturalists onboard the Explorer invited me to attend and participate in his activity. Our first day at sea finished with a pre-dinner presentation on “Krill and Penguins in a Changing Ocean,” and our after-dinner entertainment was provided by the movie, “Madagascar.”
Today’s Daily Program Quote:
“Men wanted for hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success.”
— Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton
Today’s Sunlight Data:
Sunrise: 0433
Sunset: 2200
The journey continues here: “South Shetlands, Half Moon Bay, & Deception Island”