Monday, May 27, 2019 – Incubation Site #1
PUPCYCLE 2019 – Express Yourself, Bacteria!
Bacteria were the first forms of life on Earth, dating back to 3.8 billion years ago during the Archaean Eon. These single-celled prokaryotes (containing no nucleus) have thrived in some of the harshest conditions and survived the 5 mass extinctions recorded in Earth’s past. Bacteria, like many other microbes, have a bad reputation as pathogens, or disease-causing agents. In

Nataly designed 2 sets of experiments to analyze the responses of these deep microbial communities and how their carbon-processing abilities are altered once they are upwelled and exposed to surface conditions. Her investigation began with the collection of bacteria from the deep-water samples brought up at midnight Monday morning. Some of her samples were sealed in dark containers to simulate the environment in which they were found while others were sealed in containers where diffused light (similar to the light found in surface water) could interact with the bacteria. In addition to controlling the bacteria’s exposure to light, Nataly is also controlling the temperature to simulate either colder deep water or warmer surface water. Controlling these variables will allow Nataly to isolate the response of the bacterial communities over the next 4 days. The second phase of Nataly’s investigation will use samples collected during an active upwelling cycle the PUPCYCLE team plans to follow in the next few days. Being able to control variables with Incubation experiments will be compared to observations from bacterial communities that are exposed to all variables found in an active upwelling event.
Nataly will be using bioinformatics technology to identify the bacteria; analyzing their genes to identify different types of bacteria found within the community; recognizing “who” is actually in the water sample and in what abundance (e.g.,decomposers, nitrogen fixers). Her next objective is to analyze the bacterial degradation (or decomposition) of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) found throughout the water column.

Nataly Guevara, was born in Ecuador and completed her undergraduate degree in Biotechnology and Biology at the University of San Francisco at Quito (Ecuador). She then moved to Bremen, Germany for her Master’s degree in Marine Microbiology at Max Planck Institute and is now a doctoral candidate at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill.
Today’s Certificate Challenge: Bacteria, Diatoms, and many other microscopic organisms have the ability to select and change their expression of _____ based on environmental conditions.